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🚨 UPDATE 🚨 — All bikes come with RaptorCare — Our 12-month service plan

The Team

Brad Wright - Co-Founder, Bike Builder, Club Rider

Brad has spent the best part of his life riding and building custom "Dream Build" bikes for clients all over the world. He's still a northern lad who loves quality and value. His bike builds and attention to detail have earned him a trusted reputation and an ever growing client list, from amateur club riders to the pro cyclists.

Brad's job is to ensure your ride is perfect. He can help with all technical questions and advice on what will work best for you.

Tris Kelly - Co-Founder, Business Manager, Club Rider

Tris is a lifelong adventurer who grew up in Wales. Tris has lived across Africa, the Far East and Middle Eastover past 20 years. Tris is most at home running, hiking or cycling on nearly every continents. 

Tris has built several business over the last two decades and runs the commercial operating at Raptor. 

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